Monday, February 20, 2012

Youth Art Month

March is Youth Art Month--a month to celebrate the creative talents of our students!  Part of our celebration includes selecting artwork to hang at the regional art exhibit.  This year, the regional exhibit was in La Crosse at the Main branch of the public library.  About a hundred pieces of artwork are currently on disply at this exhibt.  Each area art teacher (from approximately 11 counties) is able to choose 3 pieces for this show.  From this show, some artwork is chosen to go on to the state level and be hung in the Rotunda of the state capital building...quite an honor!  The two pieces shown are of artwork that will be on display in the capital.  The fishbowl is by Savannah S., and the family reunion photo is by Abby T.  Congratulations to all artists who had artwork on display!

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