Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nine West Salem Students to Display Art in Madison!

Nine West Salem students were chosen to have their work displayed at the Capitol Rotunda as Part of Wisconsin's Youth Art Month celebration in Madison.  

These students had their work selected from the West Central Regional Exhibit at the Heider Center in West Salem. Teachers from CESA 4 and CESA 10 were invited to exhibit their students work in the regional show.  

The Capitol Rotunda celebration will take place on Friday March 6th on the 2nd floor of the Capitol building in Madison. The following students are invited to attend this statewide exhibition, as listed by their Art Teacher.  Check out their attached pieces!

Angie Hemker
Gabby Bauer-2nd Grade
Drew Anderson-2nd Grade
Keahna Littlejohn-3rd Grade

Courtney Vesperman
Julia Barney-2nd Grade 
Adelaide Schwarz-3rd Grade
Madison MacRogers-4th Grade

Quenten Brown
Sabrina MacRogers-10th Grade
Ashley Arndt-12th Grade 
Kalia Xiong-12th Grade

Youth Art Month (YAM) was established in 1961 and is administered by the Council for Art Education and has a partnership with the National Art Education Association (NAEA). During the month of March schools around the country are celebrating and showcasing visual art in an effort to insure quality art programs for all students.

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