Friday, January 27, 2012

7th Graders paint wall blocks

A highlight of the middle school art experience is painting a wall block in 7th grade.  Each 7th grader goes through the process of learning about public art, generating ideas, sketching, planning, and proposing a wall block design...and then the MOST fun is actually painting, of course!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

4th grade students put in extra time recreating the Mona Lisa

Several 4th graders have been working on this painting during After School Art as well as coming in during their recess time to recreate their version of the Mona Lisa.  This mural is being painted on the back of an old book shelf in the art room.  Our younger students look forward to coming in to see what progress has been made each week.  Look for a photo of the finished painting in the coming weeks!

3rd Graders Channel Glass Artist Dale Chihuly

3rd Graders in Mrs. Weber's class used plastic water bottles (yay recycling!) and Sharpies to simulate glass and create this awesome Chihuly-inspired sculpture. As a class they thought it would be nice to display it in the front office so stop and check it out if you are at WSES!

Monday, January 23, 2012

High School Painters Paint without Paint!

For their Painting I final, students were asked to paint without using oil or acrylic paint.  The artists came up with materials like juice, wax, nail polish, frosting, and melted chocolate to paint with.  Here are some samples of these 'paintings'.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Check out the WSHS website!

The West Salem High School Art Department website is up and running. Check it out at...

There is also a link to the site from the Visual Arts site. Here is the link to that page...

Spread the word! You can also find us on Facebook. Please "like" us because we like you! :) 

Monday, January 16, 2012

High School Art Students create Post It Portraits

Here are some samples of what the 3rd and 4th hour Drawing I students have been up to.  Student artists were asked to create a 'pixellated' portrait of a well-known person/character using nothing but Post It Notes.  After four weeks of work, the artists put up their pieces today.  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

West Salem High School Art Department Announces Student of the Month for January

Taylor Gile, a senior at West Salem High School, is the Art Student of the Month for January. 
Taylor has been working on his detailed paintings--honing his skills for over four years.  Mr. Gile's hyper-detailed painting style has transferred well to both acrylic and oil painting, and gives his work a sense of whimsy mixed with realism. 
Recently, he has been working on painting cityscapes and skylines, using fine brushwork to create the immaculate panoramic paintings he has created.  His work will be hanging in the Marie W. Hieder Gallery in West Salem until the end of the month.

To see more of Taylor's paintings, go to

To read the Coulee News Article, go to